Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How to tell

Today, Kārlis Kārkliņš, shared with us some thoughts and tips on evangelizing, or as I'd like to call it -story telling. Why? you'll understand.

It's important not to preach ! 
  • As rarely people tend to do it in their daily conversations, some of us,while telling about Christ, base on biblical facts rather than own experience, it is not bad , but the question is -how easy it is to identify with either of them?
Do not be a super-human.
  • I'f you're telling that you quit smoking or drinking,and that you changed all of your friends ,it doesn't seem as if everybody could be in a relationship with God, which is not true.
  • Sometimes it's better to make think , that if a person LIKE YOU , could have the opportunity to know Christ, than why couldn't the others.
  • It's nice to prove that you're as same as any other, and that God loves you as much as He loves everybody else.
Many times we like to preach, that it is necessary to completely change the persons way of life ,well it may say something about our religion,but not about God and His love.
Everybody has got a story to tell. Remember the good things that God has given to you? Now imagine what would happen if they'd all be taken away? Well ,righ now you've got a story.
What is the essence to your story?- Jesus.
Your mission isn't to save a person, you can't really do that, God can, but you can tell . Tell a story .

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